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Position 2 in Video - Live and recorded movies
Position 23 in the general ranking
Sinners Planet
Free porno tube where you can watch sponsored sex video clips for free
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General information - - www.sinnersplanet.com

Registration date 21.10.2008
Google PR 1
Alexa rank 660118 (sinnersplanet.com/)
Visitors record 1,302 / 26.01.2009
Max. hits/sec 5
Max. hits/min 65
Trafic info
  Today Yesterday 24 hours Hour 7 days 30 days Total Average/day
Visitors 37 484 481 3 4,804 27,604 59,337 495
Visits 39 502 500 3 5,080 29,089 62,093 518
Hits 159 1,707 1,690 11 16,535 88,384 201,278 1,678
The summary is meant offer a quick overview of your site's statistics.
The "General information" table
Shows a summary of the site. Things like date of registration, visitors record, etc.
The first graph
Shows you site's hits in real time.The boxes at the bottom stand for the last 15 seconds. THe numbers in the boxes are the number of hits you site has had in that particualr second. The green second is the current seccond.
The second graph
Shows the evolution of visitors, visits, and hits in the last 12 hours.
The "Traffic information" table
Will show you the number of visitors, visits, and hits for today, yesterday, the last 24 hours, the last hour, the last 7 days, the last 30 days, and the total for your site since registration on xxxStatistics.com.
The number of distinct people that have visited the monitored site. A visitor can have more visits.
Each visits represents a succesion of consecutive hits from a single visitor. A visit ends when the visitor closes the browser or leaves the monitored site for good.
The number of times a page from your site was loaded in the visitor's browser.
If the explanations above haven't answered your questons you can look up more information on the forum.
0.0208 sec @ 2009-02-18 20:14:30